Video: TMX panel discusses hard ESG issues

Mining companies face difficult decisions about environmental, social and governance issues to attract new investors, according to a panel sponsored by The TMX Group at The Northern Miner’s Canadian Symposium on Mining this month in London.

Graham Dallas of TMX Group moderated debate on ESG with Antti Grönlund of Appian Capital Advisory, Jonathan Cordero of Eurasian Resources Group and Kevin D’Souza of Resource Capital Funds during the first day of the Oct. 12-13 event.

Confronting the industry’s poor image, embedding ESG from company bosses on down and using a four-question checklist for ESG policies were some of panel’s highlights. ESG seems easy because everyone knows something about it, D’Souza said.

“Bit like cooking. We can all talk about it, but which one of us is a master chef?”

Watch a video of the full panel discussion here: