Seven benefits of effective lubrication for mining machinery

Equipment breakdown is a significant factor impacting productivity within the mining industry. If key machinery such as trucks, loaders or excavators are out of service, the mine’s ability to process ore and meet production targets is compromised. Unscheduled downtime also requires immediate attention from workers and ties up further resources to resolve the issue.

While investing in technology such as diagnostics systems can significantly reduce risks associated with equipment breakdowns, these technologies only form part of the solution. Lubrication, for example, should play a pivotal role in any mining operators maintenance strategy. Without proper lubrication, components may overheat and fail, leading to unplanned shutdowns and extensive repair costs. Furthermore, when machines are lubricated correctly, it helps them operate more smoothly and efficiently and consume less energy through reducing friction in the engine.

By understanding the factors that contribute to equipment failures, miners can implement a robust maintenance and lubrication schedule that can help prevent unexpected equipment failures, help extend the lifespan of machinery* and enhance operational productivity.

Predictive maintenance is crucial to this understanding. Real-time monitoring and diagnostics of mining equipment, often powered by Internet of Things (IoT) technology, allows for proactive maintenance designed to reduce unscheduled downtime. By utilising data analysis and modelling to predict and understand the current condition of equipment, specific components can be replaced before they fail and cause larger problems, with replacement parts ordered well in advance. If, on the other hand, maintenance is found not to be required, then mining can continue without unnecessary strip down and rebuilds of machinery.

Predictive maintenance for mobile mining equipment is expected to be a key focus for investment in the next two years. According to analytics firm GlobalData’s latest mine-site survey, over 66% of miners have made at least moderate investments into predictive maintenance for mobile equipment, while 48% of miners surveyed expected to either invest in the technology for the first time or invest further within the next two years[i].

How effective lubrication reduces downtime

A comprehensive lubrication program is the cornerstone of any good preventive maintenance system, with the use of synthetic lubricants highlighted as a means of improving equipment efficiency and reducing fuel consumption, which is crucial for operational sustainability. As fuel is a major cost factor in mining, a small saving here, once scaled up, may result in a significant fuel saving.

Meanwhile, accurate monitoring of machine wear may allow for longer intervals between oil changes and engine rebuilds. Regular inspection of equipment, combined with continuous analysis of operating conditions, are all vital components of a mine’s robust maintenance schedule. When combined with services and application expertise, a successful lubrication and predictive maintenance schedule can provide significant benefits for mine sites.

Seven benefits of a robust lubrication schedule

1. Less unscheduled downtime, thanks to reduced instances of equipment failure resulting from poor lubrication and/or maintenance.

2. Increased production, as a result of improved equipment performance and reduced scrap generated by poorly lubricated equipment.

3. Lower maintenance costs* due to reduced repairs and the use of more effective lubrication scheduling, handling and application.

4. Fewer machine part replacements, thanks to sufficient lubrication reducing excessive wear or failure caused by ineffective lubrication or maintenance practices.

5. Reduced lubricant consumption, as over-lubrication and waste are minimised and lubricant life is extended.

6. Lower purchasing costs* by following expert advice based on your equipment specifications to ensure you are utilising the correct lubricants and services.

7. Effective maintenance control, with plant personnel properly trained in efficient lubrication methods.

These seven benefit areas help boost efficiency and productivity, minimise equipment breakdowns and reduce maintenance costs, contributing to a more efficient mining operation overall*.

Lubrication solutions from Mobil

Synthetic lubricant specialists Mobil offers a range of lubrication expertise and engineering services to help mines reduce costs, increase efficiency and lower environmental impact*. It provides a comprehensive portfolio of high-performance industrial lubricants, including gear, hydraulic and transmission oils, as well as grease lubricants, all formulated with advanced lubrication technology. These long-lasting lubricants help ensure peak performance for all parts of mining equipment*, from gear oils for easy movement to hydraulics for maximum energy efficiency.

Applicable Mobil services also include the Mobil™ Lubricant Analysis (MLA) system which uses scan-and-go technology, eliminating the need for manual data entry. This results in better data accuracy and a 66% faster submission process than standard methods[ii].

Using sensors to enable real-time oil monitoring also reduces the need for physical oil sampling, further helping reduce risks of accidents when technicians are accessing mining equipment on site*. Users can also receive updates and recommendations direct to their mobile devices making equipment and account management easier and faster.

To discover how your mine operations can benefit from a lubrication strategy, download the free paper below.

[i] GlobalData: Analyst Briefing, June 2024.
* Results are based on the experience of a single customer. Actual results can vary depending upon the type of equipment used and its maintenance, operating conditions and environment, and any prior lubricant used.