Second Carbon Tax will Cost Alberta Family $1,157 by 2030 – Energy News for the Canadian Oil & Gas Industry |

Second carbon tax will cost Alberta family $1,157 by 2030

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to back away from his plan to impose a second carbon tax this week on July 1.

“Albertans need another carbon tax like they need a kick in the head,” Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director of the CTF, said. “The Parliamentary Budget Officer is clear: Trudeau’s second carbon tax will cost Alberta families more than a thousand dollars.”

The second carbon tax is included in federal fuel regulations that is set to take effect this week on July 1. The regulations require producers to reduce the carbon content of their fuels or be forced to purchase credits.

By 2030, the PBO estimates the second carbon tax will cost the average family in Alberta $1,157 per year and increase the price of gas by up to 17 cents per litre.

There are no rebates with the second carbon tax and it’s being added on top of the current tax. By 2030, the two carbon taxes will increase the price of gasoline by about 55 cents per litre.

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The PBO stated “Canada’s own emissions are not large enough to materially impact climate change” and that the second carbon tax is “broadly regressive.”

“Families can’t afford to pay more for a useless tax that won’t help the environment,” Terrazzano said. “If Trudeau truly cares about making life more affordable then he would scrap his carbon taxes.”

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For more information or to schedule interviews, please contact:

Franco Terrazzano
CTF Federal Director
Phone: 403.918.3532
Email: [email protected]

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