Petrobras updates natural gas prices for distributors

London, January 30, 2025, (Oilandgaspress) –––According to the contracts signed by the company and distributors, Petrobras will grant an average 1% reduction in the selling prices of natural gas molecules compared to the previous quarter. The new prices will come into effect as of 02/01/25.

The contracts with distributors stipulate quarterly updates on the gas molecule pricing and link such a variation (increase or decrease) to the fluctuations in Brent oil and the BRL/USD exchange rate. For the quarter starting in February 2025, the reference oil (Brent) dropped 6.0%, and the exchange rate depreciated by 5.3% (that is, the amount of reais to be converted into one dollar has increased by 5.3%).

Petrobras affirms that the natural gas end price for consumers is determined not only by the company’s molecule selling price but also by the cost of carrying it to the distributor, by each distributor’s supply portfolio, by their margins (and, for VNG—Vehicle Natural Gas—by the resale stations), and by federal and state taxes.
Furthermore, consumer charges are passed by the state regulatory agencies according to the law and specific regulations. The company also mentions that the update announced on 02/01/25 doesn’t refer to the LPG (cooking gas) sold in tanks or bulk.

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