MCA calls for more partnerships with First Nations people

The Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) has called for an improvement on the capacity for Traditional Owners to sustainably manage native title rights and interests.

“As a leader in skills and training development, employment and businesses into the supply chain, the minerals industry has a long track record of working with individual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to create real opportunities that are sustainable,” MCA chief executive officer Tania Constable said.

“Creating the next generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander entrepreneurs requires a partnership approach across industry, government along with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.”

According to the MCA, approximately 6000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are directly employed on Country, both in corporate offices and in support roles across mining operations.

“Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and industry have demonstrated that working together, in partnership, does create opportunities to support Closing the Gap while ensuring that there are significant wealth sharing opportunities that set foundations for creating intergenerational wealth outcomes amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,” Constable said.

“The industry looks forward to continuing to play a role in working alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community organisations to create opportunities directly across mining operations or in mining supply chains.”

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