Floating natural gas export terminal designed to have net zero emissions within three years of startup

The Nisga’a Nation and its partners in the project reached a significant milestone this week with the filing of an application for an environmental certificate, moving it into a critical regulatory phase.
The Ksi Lisims (pronounced “s’lisims”) floating terminal, located in Nisga’a territory near B.C.’s border with Alaska, would export up to 12 million tonnes of LNG per year. By using electricity and carbon offsets it is designed to be net zero within three years of startup, targeted for 2027.
The partners estimate that one tonne of LNG exports from B.C. reduces four tonnes of emissions in Asia by reducing reliance on coal-fired power.
Here’s a look at the benefits of Ksi Lisims, as stated in the environmental certificate application:
LOCAL: Create economic self-determination for the Nisga’a Nation and improve the quality of life for Nisga’a citizens through the provision of new revenue and royalty streams, training, education, employment and contracting opportunities for Nisga’a citizens, while also providing indirect benefits such as improved community infrastructure and marine emergency response in the vicinity of the site.
REGIONAL: Create direct and indirect economic benefits for other Indigenous nations in the region, as well as other communities in northwest B.C., Alberta, and Canada, including skills training, local employment, contracting and procurement.
NATIONAL: Provide tax revenue that will support Indigenous, provincial and federal objectives to improve health, education, transportation infrastructure and other social benefits.
GLOBAL: Low carbon LNG supports the global transition away from more carbon intensive forms of energy while providing improving energy security and reliability in global markets.
Filing the environmental certificate application kicks off a 180-day comment period, after which Ksi Lisims will amend its application and file a final version. The B.C. Environmental Assessment Office then has 150 days to consider the application and issue notice on whether the project can proceed.
Following that timeline, that decision should be issued around September 2024.
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