Tata Motors registered total sales of 86,406 units in February 2024

Tata Motors Limited sales in the domestic & international market for February 2024 stood at 86,406 vehicles, compared to 79,705 units during February 2023.

• Domestic Sales Performance:

Category February 2024 February 2023 Change
Total Domestic Sales 84,834 78,006 9%

Commercial Vehicles:

Category February 2024 February 2023 Growth
HCV Trucks 10,091 11,868 -15%
ILMCV Trucks 5,083 5,426 -6%
Passenger Carriers 4,692 3,632 29%
SCV cargo and pickup 13,701 14,218 -4%
CV Domestic 33,567 35,144 -4%
CV IB 1,518 1,421 7%
Total CV 35,085 36,565 -4%

Domestic sale of MH&ICV in February 2024, including trucks and buses, stood at 16,227 units, compared to 17,282 units in February 2023.

Total sales for MH&ICV Domestic & International Business in February 2024, including trucks and buses, stood at 16,663 units compared to 17,928 units in February 2023.

Passenger Vehicles:

Category February 2024 February 2023 Growth
Total PV Domestic (includes EV) 51,267 42,862 20%
PV IB 54 278 -81%
Total PV (includes EV) 51,321 43,140 19%
EV (IB+Domestic) 6,923 5,318 30%

Includes sales of Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited and Tata Passenger Electric Mobility Limited, both subsidiaries of Tata Motors Limited.

Information Source: Read full article

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