Hitachi’s first mining trucks in Brazil at Minas Rio – International Mining

In a major development for Hitachi Construction Machinery (HCM) in Brazil; the global OEM has deployed the 221 t payload EH4000AC-3 diesel-electric mining truck and 260 t (19.5 m3 bucket) EX2600-7 mining excavator at Anglo American’s Minas Rio iron ore mining operation in the state of Minas Gerais.

This is significant as this is the first Hitachi mining dump truck to operate in Brazil. Marubeni Brazil, the HCM dealer, sold the machines to R&D Mineração & Construção Ltda, a contractor, and R&D has operated them since 2024, based on the contract they signed with Anglo American.

HCM estimates that Latin America accounts for 23% of the world’s demand for rigid dump trucks and 9% of the demand for super-large hydraulic excavators. due to the abundance of mineral resource mining in that market, including copper, iron ore, and gold. Many of Hitachi Construction Machinery’s super-large hydraulic excavators are in operation in Brazil.

In addition to the increase in new machinery sales, the parts and service business is expected to expand based on the volume of new machinery delivered to date.

HCM is taking major steps to strengthen its business structure in Latin America. ZAMine Brasil, a sales and service company of mining equipment for Hitachi Construction Machinery, held an opening ceremony on March 12 to celebrate starting its operations. The company was jointly established in Brazil by Hitachi Construction Machinery and Marubeni. Assets (service parts and tools, moving vehicles, etc) and employees of the mining machinery division of Marubeni Brasil mentioned aboves are scheduled to be transferred to the new company, which is being led by Kentaro Goto, President and Executive Officer.

ZAMine Brasil opening ceremony held March 12, 2025

ZAMine Brasil will begin full-scale operations in March 2025 to expand the mining business in the Brazilian market by combining the Marubeni’s business management know-how and extensive customer network in Brazil, developed over many years, with Hitachi Construction Machinery’s high-quality maintenance and services programs provided.

Kotaro Hirano, HCM Representative Executive Officer, Chairman and Executive Officer, and CEO commented: “Brazil is one of world’s largest producer of iron ore, and a market with great potential to expand our mining business.. The market demand these days is to reduce emissions, and I am confident that  our fuel-efficient excavators, dump trucks with trolley system and others we supply worldwide will be well received by Brazilian mining customers. We need the cooperation of each and every team member so that we can commit to establishing a strong position in the Brazilian mining market.”

In addition, Hitachi Construction Machinery plans to establish Hitachi Construction Machinery Latin America on April 1, 2025, located in Chile as a new regional headquarters in Latin America. Overall, HCM aims to achieve sales revenue of JPY100 billion in Latin America by FY2030 through the restructuring of its business in the region – this equates to over US$670 million.