Baker Hughes Rig Count: -4 to 576 Canada +16 to 245

London, January 24, 2025 (Oilandgaspress) –- U.S. Rig Count is down 4 from last week to 576 with oil rigs down 6 to 472, gas rigs up 1 to 99 and miscellaneous rigs up 1 to 5.

U.S. Rig Count is down 45 rigs from last year’s count of 621 with oil rigs down 27, gas rigs down 20 and miscellaneous up 2.

Canada Rig Count is up 16 from last week to 245, with oil rigs up 18 to 174, gas rigs down 2 to 71 and miscellaneous rigs unchanged at 0.

Canada Rig Count is up 15 rigs from last year’s count of 230 with oil rigs up 30, gas rigs down 15 and miscellaneous rigs unchanged.

International Rig Count is down 10 rigs from last month to 909 with land rigs unchanged at 712, offshore rigs down 10 to 197. International Rig Count is down 46 rigs from last year’s count of 955, with land rigs down 23, offshore rigs down 13.

The Worldwide Rig Count for October was 1,754, up 4 from the 1,751 counted in September 2024, and down 22, from the 1,776 counted in October 2023.

Region Period Rig Count Change
U.S.A 24 January 2025 576 -4
Canada 24 January 2025 245 +16
International December 2024 909 -10
Baker Hughes


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