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WesTrac reveals new ESG initiatives

Caterpillar (Cat) dealer WesTrac has unveiled its new environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies as part of its commitment to become a more sustainable equipment provider.

The company has implemented a new green sustainability badge to help customer identify Cat’s more sustainable machinery, equipment and technology offerings such as the Cat XE models, which offer reduced fuel consumption and emissions compared to previous models.

According to WesTrac, the badge represents nature, growth and renewal while enforcing its commitment to ‘Building better together’, the revised sustainability theme across all Cat brands that’s guided by six principals: responsibility, advancement, community, inclusivity, development and solutions.

WesTrac has also recognised ways to improve its recycling processes, including alternative methods of recycling plastics, cardboard, and wood.

The company is also working with its suppliers to reduce plastic wrapping, repurposing retired information technology (IT) equipment, and is set to unveil a return and recycle program for used duo seal rings.

WesTrac has also introduced new waste compaction technology designed to improve efficiency and reduce collection intervals.

“Most recently at the Guildford warehouse in Western Australia, the introduction of cardboard and plastic balers, a wood crusher and continuous bag stands have resulted in significantly higher amounts of material being recycled,” WesTrac said.

“The plastic bag stands have reduced waste bag usage by 60 per cent and approximately 1.5 tonnes of plastic is now being recycled per month.”

WesTrac has also set new ESG targets such as achieving net-zero Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 2040 and an interim target of 30 per cent reduction by 2026.

The company also hopes to achieve 25 per cent female participation across the business by 2025, with a future focus on having an equal gender split (50:50) for apprenticeship program enrolments.

“The national participation rate is currently 20 per cent and the company has embraced a number of initiatives to further support the 25 per cent target, including a female mentorship program incorporating clear career development opportunities,” WesTrac said.

“Earlier this year, WesTrac saw the largest intake of female apprentices enter the business, a rate of 35 per cent in WA and 25 per cent in NSW (New South Wales), which is an encouraging step towards the target.”

WesTrac’s updated ESG plans follow the company celebrating 20 years of providing equipment, service and support throughout New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.

The company also provides these services to WA.

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